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律所名称:  广东丰粤律师事务所 律师数量:  
所在省市:  广东 汕头 负 责 人:  谢丰凯
律所网址:  www.fengyuelawyer.com 电子邮件:  
联系电话:  0754-8738660 8730687 传 真:  
律所地址:  汕头市建信大厦4楼403 邮政编码:  000000
 广东丰粤律师事务所2000年1l月21日经广东省司法厅批准成立,属非讼、涉外业务为主的专业性律师所。本所内设非讼业务部、国际业务部、国内业务部、 办公室及财务部。国际业务部负责办理国内涉外业务及国际业务;非讼业务部负责为与本所有合作关系的地区招商引资以及为有意到该地区
投资的国内外客商提供法律服务; 国内业务部负责办理国内法律顾问业务及各类诉讼业务;财务部负责本所的财务工作及为有需要的律师提供财会服务;办公室主管事务所的行政、 后勤服务及财务监督工作。

  广东丰粤律师事务所有长期办理非讼业务及涉外业务经验的律师, 涉外及非讼业务是本所的强项,分别由本所留学美国及加拿大法学院的律师负责拓展,同时配备有国内国际法专业的毕业生担任助理。 本所未来发展的主攻方向,主要放在为国内外特别是广东省粤东地区有需要的企业提供反倾销及涉外法律服务。

  回顾本所发展的历史,1O年来,本所律师曾担任上市公司深深房在汕投资项目——金叶岛国际花园别墅的法律顾问,为该公司解决了不少诉讼及非诉讼方面的法律问题, 同时也为该公司在粤东地区的其它投资项目服务,深得当事人的信任及好评; 本所律师还为李嘉诚先生在汕投资项目提供法律服务,按照国际惯例为有关投资项目的重大决策及历史遗留问题出具相关法律意见书, 圆满解决了该项目国内外股东之间长期争议不休的问题;本所律师担任政府管理公司——汕头高速公路公司的法律顾问;为其解决了因不当行政行为而导致的与中信汕头公司的经济纠纷;本所律师还担任国家立项工程——汕头金凤大桥路桥建设项目的法律顾问,曾为该项目提供法律服务,避免了一场与供货商之间因市场原材料上涨而引致的冲突; 本所律师同时还担任香港中银集团在汕投资项目——金怡大厦的法律顾问。

  广东丰粤律师事务所2001年同擅长办理移民、 出国留学及旅游考察业务的美国康永华律师事务所签订了合作合同, 办理有关法律业务。

  广东丰粤律师事务所200l年受常德市招商局委托, 担任其广东地区及海外地区招商引资的中介 (详见专题介绍)。 2002年3 月 26 日,广东丰粤律师事务所应湖南省常德市邀请,组织了来自新加坡、香港、 意大利及上海等国家和地区的客户一起参加国际桃花节暨投资洽谈会。

  ▲2002年5 月 13 日, 广东丰粤律师事务所接受武汉市外商投资办公室的委托,为武汉市项目进行招商引资及推介,并为客户提供项目招商引资策划及中介咨询服务,成为武汉市在美、日 、韩及大陆八家招商引资中介之一。

  展望未来, 任重而道远。 广东丰粤律师事务所将以建设一个具有国际竟争力的专业律师事务所作为奋斗目标,与您共创一个民主与法治的未来,希望我们有机会合作!

  Guangdong Fengyue Lawyer's Office, a comprehensive law firm, was founded on Nov.21, 2000. To meet the needs of different clients and its own development & administration, five departments of the Office are set up, for lawsuit, non-lawsuit, investment service, finance and administration. Most of the lawyers of the Office know English, two of them graduated from English Specialty. With the development of the Office, more lawyers for other foreign languages will be invited.

  For the Office's first priority is to build good relationship and complete trust with its clients, we try our best to give the first-class legal service to our clients. After years of hard work, we are good at the legal service in non-lawsuit and business concerning foreign affairs. Now we are the perennial law consultants of these large corporations, such as Int'l Garden Villa in Jinye Island (invested by Shen Shen Fang, a shared company appears in stock market) and Shantou Gulf Bridge Ltd. (invested by the famous enterpriser, Mr. Li Jiacheng). During these years, we have successfully solved many problems for them, both in lawsuits and in non-lawsuits.We are also the perennial law consultants of Shantou Highway Company (an administrative company of Shantou City Government) and Shantou Jinfeng Bridge Project Co.(a state project--Shantou Jinfeng Bridge for about 0.75 billion investment).

  In the year of 2001, we have set up cooperative relationship with an American Law Offices (Law Offices of Frederick W. Hong) and given them legal services in relative Chinese affairs. The Law Offices is expert in the business of immigration, study abroad, and tourism & commercial investigation.

  Also in 2001, we are entrusted by Changde City Government as its medium for investing introduction in Guangdong Province and oversea areas.
  In 2002, we are entrusted by Wuhan Foreign Investment Office as its medium for investing introduction both for the government and the clients.

  We believe that we can build our Office to be an international competitive law firm by hard working though we shoulder heavy responsibilities. We also believe that our society will become a democratic society ruled by law with the common efforts of all the Chinese. We will stand ready and able to serve you from our full range of legal services
